Parenting Vs. Podcast

Podcasting is hard—it’s especially hard with kids around. We parent, discuss life, social topics, and the world around us—all while trying to keep our 3 kids busy, which never happens.

Monday, December 18, 2023

Just Need Some Buffer Time

In this episode we jump in discussing the book Lindsey is working on. (Lorenzo seems a little butthurt that she hasn’t asked him to read it.) 

But, for real. We all need a little downtime. Right? Is it childish to play video games at 40? Probably. Is it selfish to prioritize what’s on your phone over your kids? I don’t know. Does our brain need a bit of downtime in this crazy life? Absolutely. 

We hope you have a healthy escape. We’re leaning, too. 

Get in touch: 

Parenting vs. Podcast can be found at 

Instagram @parentingvspodcast

All our music is made by Jeff: