Parenting Vs. Podcast

Podcasting is hard—it’s especially hard with kids around. We parent, discuss life, social topics, and the world around us—all while trying to keep our 3 kids busy, which never happens.

Friday, December 31, 2021

Becoming Irrelevant

Okay, so the last two years seems to have passed by in like three months. It feels like life is accelerating faster than a Tesla S Plaid, and we're left in the dust with our iPods and Burt's Tiki Lounge. In this episode we talked about what it feels like to be behind in technology, in fashion. We're not really that young anymore, and that can feel weird sometimes. 

We hope you enjoy this episode. It's been quite the year for us. 

What are we listening to? (And watching.)


Catie Turner - god must hate me

Slomosa - horses

David Bowie

Talking Heads

J. Cole - hunger.on.hillside

Gardens and Villa

D. Park

Mariachi El Bronx


Tyler the Creator - New Magic Wand

Valley Maker - Beautiful Birds Flying

Brand New - Jesus Christ

Blink 182 - Not Now

Rancid - Fall Back Down

Kenny Hoopla - how will I Rest In Peace if I'm buried in a highway

Grover Washington Jr. - Just the Two of Us

Dance Gavin Dance - That's What I Like


Can't listen to Spooked ;( 

Neurodivergent Podcast

What's the Damage (Going to start soon.)

48 Hours

Women in ADAD

What Healthy Couples Know That You Don't

Lies We Tell

The Bible For Normal People, Peter Enns

Sci Fri

The Archeology Show with Chris Webster & Rachel Roden



The Wheel of Time

Get in touch: 

Parenting vs. Podcast can be found at 

Lindsey tweets at @LindseyFace28
Lorenzo tweets at @offlohi
Parenting Vs Podcast tweets at @parentingvspod

All our music is made by Jeff: