If you had the technology available to you and the money to pay for it, would you make a holographic image of yourself to share with loved ones once you're gone? I mean, just because you can doesn't mean that you should. Right? That's where we're at on this one.
We talk about holographic images, sci-fi feeling possible futures for us, and how we feel about social media (again). We also go into the past, how it looks on recorded videos, our fascination with recording our own history, etc. We also go into parenting, what it means to sacrifice, and looking for purpose.
This was a fun conversation for us. We hope you enjoy!
We promised we would link:
HD Video of New York from the 1980s
Robots will take over...after they're done dancing.
Isaac Kappy
Mark Ronson
Wild Beasts
Hollow Coves
Dad I Have To Pee!
Get in touch:
Parenting vs. Podcast can be found at parentingvspodcast.com
Lindsey tweets at @LindseyFace28
Lorenzo tweets at @offlohi
Parenting Vs Podcast tweets at @parentingvspod
Barelas Podcaster's Guild, including guild podcasts can be found at barelaspodcastersguild.com
All our music is made by Jeff: https://soundcloud.com/jeff-omidvaran